Studio Ocean Mark No Limits Spool Assemblies
The Studio Ocean Mark No Limits Spool Assembly is available in several eye catching colors. The 16000s are compatible with 2020 Saltigas: 8000 / 10000 / 14000 and 2021 Certate SW 8000 / 10000 / 14000. The 23000s are compatible with 2020 Saltiga 18000 / 20000 and 2021 Certate SW 18000.
The spools are meant to up your game to be prepared for the biggest monsters. With better heat dissipation and heat resistant drag grease there is nothing you can't fight and no condition too rough. Plus, the spools will improve the casting distance!
20ST16000HP Line Capacity: PE6-300m, PE5-350m
20ST23000BM Line Capacity: PE12-300m, PE10-400m PE8-500m
To have your reel professionally spooled for only the cost of the line itself*, feel free to visit our Braided Line Per-Yard page or try some of our customers' favorite lines below!
*All reels will be backed with 20lb Clear Berkley Trilene Big Game Monofilament to fill the spool at no additional cost if the ordered length of braid alone does not fill the spool. To have your reel spooled with straight braid, either:
1. Order a quantity of braid that will overfill the spool and leave a comment on your order for us to refund the difference, or
2. Contact Us with your request and we will promptly spool your reel and contact you with the exact length of braid to add to your order.
For more detailed spooling instructions, such as the additions of leaders or topshots using specific knots, rigging hardware, and/or hollow core splices, please Contact Us as well. If you can dream it, we can rig it!
About Studio Ocean Mark-
In 2002, Takashi Otsuka established Studio Ocean Mark after leaving the fishing department for Ryobi. Otsuka chose to locate his factory in the Ota Ward of Tokyo City for its community of high-quality engineers and renowned metal shops. Studio Ocean Mark designs and manufactures fishing reels and tackle with passion, precision, and innovation in order to meet the needs of serious anglers worldwide.