Zack's Custom Rods

Zack's Custom Rods Century Giant 80/130 Rods

$1,249.99 - $1,349.99
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Product Description

Zack's Custom Rods Century Giant 80/130 Rods

The Zack's Custom Rods Century Giant 80/130 rods are constructed with a Graphene-reinforced carbon core, and nano-cilia fortified s-glass. These features help the rod achieve better lift, when under stress. Additionally, the Century Giant 80/130 rods feature performance-enhancing Anti-Twist Technology, durable Graphene construction, and a responsive Textreme carbon weave wrap. The soft tip and powerful belly portion make this rod ideal throughout the entire length of the fight, especially at the boat, where the soft tip reduces the amount of pulled-hook and cut lines. While the rods are rated 80/130, anything less than an 130 pound-class reel would not do these rods justice in our opinion.

Model Color Rod Length Rod Length (w/ Bent Butt) Guide Color Bent Butt Color Bent Butt Size Decorative Wrap
XXL Black 7'6" 10'0" Black Black #6 N/A


About ZCR-

Zack Richardson has been building fishing rods ever since 2011. During his years at Bryant University, he studied entrepreneurship and marketing while minoring in environmental science. It was here where he was awarded the GOSS Prize, received recognition from American/RI Innovation, and was published as one of Bryant’s most successful students. After graduating in 2021, Zack was able to apply what he had learned into ZCR. It is Zack’s personal promise that only the best materials are put into building each rod. He also provides a lifetime guarantee on all labor performed by ZCR. To ensure the highest quality build, ZCR focuses on giving the build adequate time and realistic scheduling. Zack’s Custom Rods is located in Westport, MA and is trusted by many of the top charter captains in the northeast. His growing team of talented rod builders continues to produce some of the finest rods seen on the water.